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28 October 2011

natrium nitrat paling hensem?

//i will love it if this is true!//

mengarut je aku ni??natrium nitrat tu adalah  sejenis garam la!so,tiadanya sifat hensem,cantik,hot or apa-apa..but,kecualilah diberi unsur personifikasi @ personification dalam bahasa inggerisnya..ahaha..p/s : fakta yang ditulis dalam keadaan mengantuk~.
sebenarnya,petang tadi,aku study pasal kimia bersama dyda..ala-ala study group..(nak exam,baru kelam-kabut buat study group)..tapi,macam biasalah,kitorang mana boleh duduk diam-diam and study memanjang:)..mulut tu mesti jugak terbuka walau sesaat..
aku    : da,dahsyatla elly sekarang!tiap-tiap malam asyik send message yang membuatkan saya seram nak baca!
dyda  : mesej pasal apa?
aku    : nah, tengok ni,.pasal yoochun la..ayat?fuhh,tak boleh blah!(sambil baca nota pasal penyediaan garam)
dyda  : macam mana boleh gilakan yoochun ni??isyh!
aku    : pasal sungkyunkwan scandal la!'natrium nitrat' kan hensem giler dalam drama tu..
dyda  : natrium nitrat???
ark!tersasul..park yoo chun yang hensem meletup tu boleh bertukar jadik garam natrium nitrat?kalau betul,mesti aku dapat score A+ dalam kimia punye..ye la,hari-hari study pasal 'natrium nitrat' je kejenye..tambahan pulak,nampaknya dapatlah kita 'buat' yoochun a.k.a natrium nitrat ni banyak-banyak.inilah kaedahnya..
logam natrium oksida + asid nitrik ---> natrium nitrat + air.. 
//ni la NATRIUM NITRAT tu!bestnye belajar kimia!//
post kali ni telah membantu aku untuk study kimia walaupon benda ni simple je..:)GOOD LUCK for me..exam kimia hari ahad ni dah!then,biologi pulak..lepas biologi,prinsip akaun pulak...ahhh!habisla.. double trouble ke ni?*sigh*


//funny yoo chun!!//
 the rules!
1. u must post these rules.
2. each person must post 11 things about themselves in their journal.
3. answer the questions the tagger set for u in their post. and also create 11 new questions   people u tagged to answer.
4. u have to choose 11 people to tag and LINK them to your post.
5. go to their pages and tell them that they have been tagged.
6. no tag back.
7. no stuff in the tagging section about "u're tagged if u're reading this'. u legitimately(a.k.a trusted with honesty) have to tag 11 people.
11 things about me!
1. kim eun kyung tu nama lama..sekarang park eun kyung!
2. fall in love at first sight dengan PARK YOO CHUN.
3. crazying over PARK YOO CHUN..(i ma crazy fangirl=.=??)
4. suka amik keputusan terburu-buru..
5. sangat-sangat sayangkan 2 ekor arnab saya!
6. manja walaupon umor dah mencecah 16 tahun..
7. dah melupakan kim ki bum(sj) selepas 'jatuh cinta' dengan park yoo chun:).
8. trying to learn about photography!
9. study??malasnya!!!
10. jangan sebut perkataan 'kuantan' depan saya!alergi..
11. believe that friends is everything! 
the questions..from michiko's chan..
1. do you like KPOP? of course..
2. what your favourite band? jyj for sure..
3. your dream? studying in aussie.
4. single or taken? taken by pyc..
5. what's your favourite movie? idk..
6. what's your favourite song? maybe priscilla ahn's(just start to like her!)
7. twitter or facebook? facebook!
8. do u like taylor swift? yes!
9. what's your favourite colour? pink and purple!~
10. what's your ambition? to be a HUMAN!
11. what place do you like? beatiful places such as aussie and south korea..ops, all beatiful places over the world..

my questions...
1. aussie or south korea?
2. do you like lady gaga and justin bieber?
3. are you a kpopper?
4. shopping or sleeping?
5. studying or 'facebook'ing?
6. rabbit or cat?
7. single or taken?by?
8. blue or black?
9. SONY or Apple?
10. who is your first love?
11. your friends or your gf/bf?choose one!
~maaf jika soalan ni merapu dan tidak logik!

sepet mmg kachak
hani nisah
ae cha
lya dania
saufi othman
~jeongmal mianhae if korang tak sukakan tag ni..but,aku just amik nama-nama ni kat shoutbox and also dashboard!!mianhae..mianhae..mianhae!

for you!!